Saturday 2 June 2012

Triple h

Triple H *IS* The Chaperone!

IGN talks to WWE's King of Kings about starring in his first movie, working with Modern Family's Ariel Winter and being a family man.

On Friday, February 18th, WWE Studios (Legendry, Knucklehead) will release their new comedy, The Chaperone, starring Paul "Triple H" Levesque as Ray "Ray Ray" Bradstone - an ex-con determined to go straight and reconnect with his daughter (Modern Family's Ariel Winter).

The Chaperone, following the new release model of WWE features, will hit select theaters very briefly and then be made available on DVD/Blu-ray within the next few weeks. IGN had a chance to speak with Triple H about his first leading man role -- which was directed by Stephen Herek (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Mr. Holland's Opus) and also stars Annabeth Gish, Yeardley Smith and Kevin Corrigan – and about balancing his work life with his family life.

IGN: What drew you to the role of Ray?

Triple H: Well, it wasn't so much the role itself that drew me in, but the script. When I read it, I thought it was fun. It had a cute story that I thought would really make a great family movie that kids would like. I was entertained and that was the first thing that stuck with me. From a character standpoint, I think Ray, for me, gave me the opportunity to do things that I don't normally get to do and that you might not get to see me do on a regular basis. There are some emotional scenes with Ariel Winter, who plays my daughter in the film, and that's not something you get to see from me every day. So it was intriguing to me to get to show off a different side.

- WWE Studios
Triple H, with Modern Family's Ariel Winter, in The Chaperone.
IGN: As a WWE Superstar you do a lot of promos and backstage segments. Was there ever a time, after a promo or segment, when you thought "That went really well. I could totally be in a movie"?

Triple H: Well, I've always kind of felt like when we did backstage stuff that I was pretty comfortable doing it. They would say "we want you to be funny in this" and I could be funny, or they'd say "we need you to be pissed off in this one" and I could be angry. I always felt like I could just get into that mindset and do it. And I think I've always been interested in taking that challenge and trying to portray something else in that vein. Using the ability to bring emotion, to make it funny, to do all this different stuff. And I think that's what's great about WWE Studios is that it allows us the opportunity, that perhaps somebody else might not give us, to show that we have more to offer than what people just see in the WWE. People forget that, as WWE Superstars, we play a role. It's not me. I play the character of Triple H on a television show. At the same time, it's obviously a different kind of show – more like a live theater show – but it's a character nonetheless. I think they just kind of lock you into that one thing and say "well, this is what he does." And a lot -- not all of our guys -- but a lot of our guys can do more than that.

IGN: I've spoken with a few other guys who've done these WWE films, like Cena and Big Show, and they've mentioned "first day jitters" when it comes to being on set and doing scenes with professional actors. Did that happen for you on this film, working with sctors like Annabeth Gish and Kevin Corrigan?

Triple H: Obviously there are a bit of nerves involved, from the standpoint of "these guys are all really good at what they do." But one of the things I learned when I did Blade Trinity years ago is that if you do scenes with guys that are really good, it makes you better. It takes the pressure off of you because they're really good. And I've been lucky. In this film, like you said, I got to work with Annabeth Gish and she's just a phenomenal actress and a wonderful woman. I got to work with Yeardley Smith, who's just unbelievably funny, Kevin Corrigan who's wildly talented. And I have to tell you that Ariel Winter from Modern Family – just a quick story – the day I met her we just met with Stephen Herek just to do a walkthrough of a couple scenes, just to get to know each other, and just walking through the script. Steve tells her, "Rather than playing this scene angry, I want you to be more emotional." And she starts crying and tears are streaming down her face, and I'm thinking, "Oh my god. This little girl's for real. I better bring my A game or she's going to smoke me." She's really talented. I can't say that enough.

IGN: And she was with you guys for the Tribute to the Troops show this year, right?

Triple H: Yeah, she came with us to Fort Hood and sang the National Anthem for us, but the poor thing was sick as sick could be. She got there and had something like tonsillitis and I felt so terrible for her. And it was windy, but she still wanted to go up there and sing. And she did a great job. But she was just miserable.

Triple H, staring deeply into the eyes of John Cena.
IGN: You've got kids of your own. Even though they're not Ariel's age, were you able to draw on any of your experience as a family man for this part?

Triple H: Yeah, without a doubt. Because Ariel and I hit it off really great right off the bat. We worked together a lot on set and we just became fast friends and it was very easy to imagine my daughter in that role. To imagine her as my daughter at that age. And, in the movie, I haven't seen her for many years and I'm trying to get back to her and the things she's saying to me are breaking my heart. So it was easy to put myself in that role and think "this is my daughter."

IGN: Most of the time, when WWE Superstars do films, they have to do them while still wrestling on TV. You've been off TV for some time now. That must have made it a lot easier to do this movie.

Triple H: Yeah, because when I did Blade I would do two weeks on set and then go two weeks on the road and then go back to two weeks on set. I wasn't married then and I didn't have a baby, or any kids, so my life was a lot different. When WWE Studios approached me about doing these films, the one thing I said to Vince was "I don't want to do both." I didn't want to do both and only do one well. Or not do either one well. I wanted to be able to focus and do one thing and do it well. And at the same time, if I had done both I would have literally been on set all week long, then leave the set to go shoot two days of TV and then leave to back to do a week on set, and I wasn't going to not see my kids for that period of time. So I worked on the set, went home and spent two days with my kids and then went back to the set. And I'm at a point in my career where I can do that, luckily for me. So I think it worked out better because it allowed me to focus on one thing.


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